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Foods to Avoid with Arthritis

Foods to Avoid with Arthritis -

The chronic inflammation of joints is a health condition that is known as arthritis. Patients suffer from destruction and pain in some parts of the body, joints, and bones, based on the type of arthritis present.

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent type of non-inflammatory arthritis, even though other types of about 100 are still present. Osteoarthritis is diagnosed in about 47% in women the most and 40% in men throughout their time. 

Autoimmune Disease

On the other hand, inflammatory illnesses, also known as autoimmune diseases, are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis. Another example of the type of inflammatory arthritis is Gout.

Studies suggest that dietary interventions, like avoiding different foods and beverages, decrease symptoms and its severity of osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis, even enhance the quality of their life. The disease of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in individuals is well known to the sensations of inflammation and pain.

Your inflammation in the body is decreased by taking some foods, even though no ‘RA diet’ is present for the illness. As these nutrition’s are good for you, like taking olive oil, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fish, it is better to increase their intake. 

Foods to avoid with Arthritis

The foods that you should avoid if you are suffering from arthritis or chronic inflammation are;


1. Added sugars

Arthritis demands that you decrease your sugar intake altogether. Sugar is present in many food items like ice cream, soda, candy, and other varieties like barbecue sauce that are more inconspicuous. 

2. Saturated fat and Refined carbohydrates

Fat tissue inflammation is caused by saturated fat like pizza and red meat. Even arthritis inflammation is increased due to other medical conditions like heart disease, obesity, and other conditions.

Advanced glycation end (AGE) oxidants are developed more due to refined carbohydrates, like white bread, white rice, and potato chips. Inflammation can be triggered in the body. 

3. Trans Fats

Awareness was encouraged by the Harvard School of Public Health researchers related to trans-fat during the early 1990s.

Trans fat is present in many types of food, stimulating systemic inflammation, like fried foods, fast foods, processed snack foods, cookies, crackers, frozen breakfast products, donuts, and many kinds of margarine.

Foods containing partially hydrogenated oils mentioned in ingredient labels should also be avoided. 

4. Processed and red meats

Studies also associate processed meat and red meat with inflammation, becoming a cause of arthritis and its symptoms.

High amounts of inflammatory markers like interleukin-6 (IL-6), homocysteine, and C-reactive protein (CRP) are present in processed and red meats, heavy foods, which cause inflammation. Arthritic symptoms have been improved with the use of less red meat and an increased plant-based diet.    

5. Gluten and Casein

Much improvement is seen in individuals that avoid casein, present in dairy items, and are sensitive to gluten, found in barley, rye, and wheat, to decrease joint pain and better heal them.

Gluten-free diet followed by people with celiac disease, for avoiding damage to the small intestine and join pain which is triggered due to autoimmune response.

Sometimes, coincidently it occurs that a person with arthritis disease is also suffering from sensitivity from gluten or contains celiac disease.  

6. Aspartame

Want to try sugar-free items? Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, which is non-nutritive, is present in more than 4,000 items globally.

Researchers have shown that the FDA may have accepted this product for use, but its uses are still mixed, and its effects on an autoimmune disease that occurs on people are not well known.

If a person is hypersensitive to this substance, then it is better to avoid it. Otherwise, it will trigger an inflammatory response due to detecting it as a ‘foreign substance’ attacking the body. 

7. Candy and Dessert

Inflammation is often increased due to artificial sweeteners because they are not nutritious and are thought of as ‘empty calories.

A maximum of only about 9 teaspoons daily should be consumed by a person. Added sugar is present in these common food items like ice cream, candies, baked products, desserts, processed foods, and condiments like ketchup and barbecue sauce. 

8. Highly processed foods

Fast foods, baked goods, and breakfast cereals are ultra-processed foods that contain high levels of preservatives, added sugar, refined grains, and other inflammatory ingredients, which increase the severity of arthritic symptoms.

It has been seen by researchers that Western foods that contain more heavily processed foods can also enhance your chances of getting RA by stimulating inflammation and risk factors like obesity. 

9. Alcohol

Antioxidants are present in some kinds of alcohol like red wine, which induces anti-inflammatory properties presented by alcohols.

The defense is provided by the use of the limited amount of 5 ounces of red wine when taken in moderation, especially in rheumatoid arthritis, for the safety of joint health. But in different types of arthritis, like gout, a flare can occur due to alcohol.

More chances of gout flares and occurrence of gout are seen with different types of alcohol when seen in studies.  

10. Fried Foods

Elevated levels of inflammation and arthritis symptoms have been seen in fried foods that have been cooked using high saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids.

Inflammation is also caused by dried foods that contain components like salt, breading, and added sugar. In traditional fried foods, it is healthier to bake them, or air fry them to decrease the level of fat instead of using oil. 

11. Vegetable oils

Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis and their symptoms are increased due to food containing high omega-6 fats and small quantities of omega-3 fats. But these fats are good for health.

But still, an increase in inflammation is observed in foods of western origin with improper ratios of omega-6s and omega-3s.

Betterment in arthritis symptoms is seen in increased consumption of omega-3 rich foods like fatty fish and high in omega-6 fats like vegetable oils.   

12. Foods’s high in AGEs

A reaction between sugars and fats or proteins is seen to produce molecules like advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Different cooking methods and animal meat that is uncooked contain these naturally.

AGEs are present most commonly in animal foods that are rich in protein and fats and that are frilled, roasted, fried, or broiled.

They may be roasted or fried chicken, bacon, boiled hot dogs, and grilled steak or pan-fried steaks.

AGEs are also abundant in margarine, French fries, American cheese, and mayonnaise. Inflammation and oxidative stress are increased due to large amounts of the presence of AGEs in the body.

Production of AGE and oxidative stress is related to the advancement of disease in arthritis

Foods to eat and why

Inflammation and illness are fought with a good and healthy diet that helps to toughen up muscles, bones and joints.

Food items can be added to the diet of arthritic individuals to help relieve their symptoms. 

1. Oily fish

Fish is very abundant in healthful omega-3 fatty acids. Benefits are seen in people using polyunsaturated fats that contain anti-inflammatory effects. Oily fish should be consumed by people with osteoarthritis at least once a week, containing one portion of fish. Oily fish contains:

  • Salmon 
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel 
  • Fresh tuna

If a person cannot eat fish due to any reason, supplements can be taken by them containing omega-3, present in krill oil, fish oil, and flaxseed oil. Omega-3 is also present in walnuts, flaxseed oil, and chia seeds. They also help to decrease inflammation.

2. Dark leafy greens

Dark leafy green vegetables contain more antioxidants, vitamin D, and stress-fighting phytochemicals. Infection is also prevented due to vitamin D, which helps in increasing immunity and also helps in calcium absorption. 

Dark leafy vegetables may be:

  • Collard greens
  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Kale 

3. Broccoli

Sulforaphane is a compound present in Broccoli, which is thought to relieve osteoarthritis by the researchers.

Also, large amounts of vitamin K and C are present in this vegetable, which also contains calcium that helps in strengthening bone.   

4. Green tea

Researchers believe that antioxidants, like polyphenols, help in alleviating inflammation and decrease the rate of cartilage damage. Large amounts of polyphenols are present in green tea. 

5. Garlic

Garlic also contains a component known as diallyl disulfide that scientists think may help in aiding the body against the enzyme that causes damage to the cartilage. 

6. Nuts

Large amounts of fiber, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E are present in nuts that are healthy for the heart. Immunity is also enhanced due to the presence of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). 


Many data suggest that specific food items and nutrients can help in getting rid of osteoarthritis. This is done by decreasing inflammation, being abundant in nutrition, and enhancing muscle, bone, and immune system.

Foods that stimulate inflammation may also be prevented from taking or avoided. Osteoarthritis can increase in its severity that places pressure on joints, especially those who are overweight and obese.

Taking a diet rich in fiver, plants, and anti-inflammatory fats, like those that contain the Mediterranean diet, may help people to deal with osteoarthritis in order to gain healthy weight. Symptoms like pain and swelling are relieved through it.   

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